sats is a BRC-20 token that pays homage to satoshi. Sats is the abbreviation of satoshi, which is the smallest unit of BTC. One satoshi is equal to 0.00000001 BTC.
SATS coin is a digital currency based on blockchain technology.
The issuer is Satoshi Nakamoto, the inventor of BTC. The purpose of SATS coin is to create a distributed,
decentralized currency to conduct transactions in a more flexible, effective and secure way. SATS currency is currently recognized and supported by the blockchain technology company Multi-Dimension Financial Services (MDX).
SUPPLY: 63000000000
TAX: 0%
How to buy $BSC SATS
You can buy $BSCSATS through Dex Swap. We
suggest using Metamask, purchasing $SOL,
transferring it to your chosen wallet, and
purchasing $BSCSATS in our launchpad
via the respective wallet.